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Log 10 - 14/02/2022

One issue I’ve run into with opening setting up the call, is that the signalling server uses HTTPs while the front react dev server uses HTTP. One of the advantages of react is hot reloading as you edit, which means I dont need to refresh the page to see changes, it automatically updates after saving. However I’m getting a security error when trying to connect to the HTTPs server from a HTTP server. The react docs state you can run the dev server with HTTPs by speciifying it when starting the server, however that has not worked as intended for me. For now I need to build the site and replace the build folder the express server servers each time I make a change which really slows down development.

Aside from that, I had decieded to move on from the repsonvive UI aspect of the project to focus on the functionality of the site. Calling the openOrJoin function as part of the RTCMulticonnection library now connects the client to the signalling server and joins the user to a “room” and creates a video and audio stream for that user.

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