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Log 34 - 19/05/2022

Today I was meeting with my supervisor for my “official” final testing scenario, since I’ve been testing it as I go but no formal testing environment. We setup 6 peers and tested everything was working, which it was except for the screen share (as expected) but also screen recoding didn’t have audio! This was something I completely missed when testing it. In the end though I spent some time and fixed both issues. With screens haring I was able to search the grid for the local stream and replace the video src there and then to revert back just read the stream attribute from the stream state array. With recording, I couldn’t see much documentation in the library for capturing audio from remote peers so I found that I could just parse all streams (including local) and for each stream add a new audio track to the screen media element and then record that as I had been before. So I was eventually able to get it all working so the rest of my time now will be finishing up the report.

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